My daughter has, for the most part, given up on
playing the electric
guitar that she got for Christmas a couple of years ago. So, I use it
almost daily for some "therapy". I call it "making noise" and that is
essentially all I really do, but I'm getting better at it. ;)
My favourite artists to
listen to include Wide Mouth Mason - a great Canadian band. Big Sugar
- another fantastic Canadian group that has, unfortunately disbanded. The
lead singer/guitarist, Gordie Johnson, went on to form
My all time hero as far a
music is concerned is
Stevie Ray
Vaughan. He has a
Fan Club and
Double Trouble, SRV's band rolls on. The SRV Archive,
Pride and Joy
is another good site to check out. Double Trouble
drummer, Chris Layton is a member of Grady along with Gordie Johnson and
bass player, Big Ben Richardson.
A very cool Canadian band,
The Tragically Hip
I was recently made aware of a pretty neat music site where you can listen
to all kinds of music for free. It's called
Pandora. It's free to register.