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The restoration of my 1969 Dodge Charger started almost as soon
as I got it home. I've only just started this part of the website some seven
months later.
These pages will also present some of the
information that I've gathered throughout the process. I will include the things
I've learned about my car specifically as well as Dodge Charger in general, and
restoration techniques and resources, including where I've found parts,
supplies, and services.
Use the menu along the left hand side to
access each chapter. I will try to build them in a logical manner. Check below
for update notices as I may add, change, or delete anything from any of the
chapters at any time.
Chapter Updates:
Chapter One, The Hunt:
Initial post: [July 30, 2003]
Chapter Two: The Trip
Initial post:
[August 7, 2003]
Chapter Three: The
Treasure Hunt:
Initial Post:
[August 8, 2003]
Chapter Four: Progress:
"Before" pictures of body and
Initial post: [April 10, 2004]
New photos: [April 12, 2004]
Package shelf photos: [April 14, 2004]
Blasting process
[April 20, 2004]
Metalwork: Things are
starting to go back ON the car. [April 29, 2004]
Front Frame
Rail work [April 30, 2004]
cross member [May 3, 2004]
Rear Frame Rail
work [May 5, 2004]
Back to the
front end [May 8, 2004]
gets re-installed [May 10, 2004]
Torsion bars
fit like new. [May 10, 1004]
Floor pans are in
and getting smoothed in. [May 16, 2004]
Driver side
quarter panel cut and fit. [May 21, 2004]
Primer was sprayed
on the floor pans and most of the underside. [May 23, 2004]
Trunk was test fit and the driver's side quarter panel was
stitch welded in place. [June 20, 2004]
Driver's Side Quarter panel is welded in and the seam is sealed up. The
Trunk Pans are tacked in place.
[June 21, 2004]
Passenger Quarter Panel and
Corner Caps . [June 30, 2004]
The Roof is all
cleaned up. Vinyl glue removed and factory seams smoothed over.
[July 1, 2004]
I dropped in to see how
things were going. I was in town on business.
[July 9, 2004]
The Passenger Side Door
is on and fitted up.
[July 27, 2004]
Side Door
is on and fitted up.
[July 31, 2004]
Some Etch Primer on the
[August 3, 2004]
A coat of Primer for the
entire car.
[August 4, 2004]
The Deck Lid is on and the Tail Lights are fit in place.
[August 6, 2004]
And it's ready for the
trip home.
Chapter Five: Rust Removal (Small Parts)
Chapter Six: Body work
We finally got the car up on the rotisserie
[July 31, 2005]
We got it to spin [September 3, 2005]
Then, I started shaping some of the areas that I felt needed it.
Here's a list of parts sources that I've used:
CrossCanada for
replacement body panels.
Auto Rust Technicians for
frame repair pieces. They're strong pieces, but ugly. I'm going to work on them
to see how close to factory looking I can get them.
Harden's Muscle Car World
I bought my seat covers from them at
last year (2003).
Specialties I got a bunch fastener kits and a headliner from them during a
clearance sale.
The Charger Guy has been a great help with a bumper brace, bumper guards and
a package shelf.
Totally Auto
Inc. - I bought a few things from that at
in 2003 including some correct restoration paints.
Of course, a lot of things I've found through
eBay.ca and